Embracing Leadership, Innovation, and Growth: In Portugal
EIA 2024, a trip to Portugal, solely to innovate and grow. This trip was one of my favourite travel experiences and I grew quite a bit as a person

Fourth Place at Lifelines Hackathon
I recently participated in my first hackathon, the Lifelines hackathon. A hackathon for creating software that saves lives. My team and I managed to achieve 4th place out of 150+ students from various universities and schools across the country.

Inhud Tech Entrepreneurship at CMUQ
Fall 2023 was rather interesting with the first tech entrepreneurship event ‘Inhud’ taking place. We had to simulate the process of creating a startup and eventually pitched to seasoned investors!
My thoughts on the Pixel 6 Pro
I’ve recently bought a Pixel and honestly its blown me away

Wayland Setup on Arch Linux
This is a guide for achieving a wayland setup. It aims to be as extensive as possible but I make the assumption that you posses the knowledge to fill in the gaps. If you follow this guide, you should end up with the following basic software: Hyprland, tiling based window manager with fancy animations Waybar, a status bar Wofi, application launcher Kitty, terminal emulator Mako, notification daemon (Optional) Firefox, web browser (Optional) Emacs, text editor (Optional) Polkit, some authentication stuff Here is a demo Setup I will leave it up to you the reader to fill in the gaps if you would like to replicate the setup above as is....